Dementia Care

Our My World Pathway to Dementia Care

From the Living in My World training for our team members, investing in specialist living environments to looking after our resident’s care and wellbeing in terms of the hobbies they enjoy and the food they love to eat, we tailor every detail no matter how big or small. Our dementia care and our unique My World approach is best described through the videos and stories on our Dementia Hub.

In all of our homes, we promise to never lose sight of the reality of what it means to be someone living with dementia, we see the person behind it and help them live the life they want, to the full.

Useful Information

Any questions?
Call us free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Last year we helped over 5,000 families find the right care with free advice on anything from funding care to finding the right home and moving in.

We can help with advice on paying for care and how funding works. We can check availability in all of our homes and send you the latest brochure. If you'd like to meet our Home Manager, we'll book an appointment at a time to suit you.

0808 169 8661 Freephone
Enquire now 0808 169 8661