Brooklyn House Residents And Families Attend Attleborough’s Remembrance Parade
Remembrance Sunday is an important date in the Brooklyn House Care Home calendar and one that residents are always keen to mark at the care home, and if possible, by attending a local event.
Splendid Turnout for the Parade and Service
On a bright, fresh, November Sunday, the Brooklyn House team gathered a group of residents and their families for the short journey to Attleborough town centre to attend the community’s Remembrance Parade. The town was packed, with the streets lined with people of all ages who had come together to pay their respects.
The group from Brooklyn House managed to get a good spot to watch the parade in all its glory. Led by the British Legion, it included veterans, army cadets, scout and guide groups, schools, local dignitaries – even a dog with a wreath and flag which paid tribute to the animals who had lost their lives in service. It was a splendid turnout. The Reverend Matthew Jackson from St Mary's Church read the service and was joined by the choir who sang "I Vow to Thee My Country." The 2 minute silence was then observed and followed by prayers and moments of time for thought and reflection
Poppy Wreaths made by Residents Laid at the Memorial
The service ended with the laying of poppy wreaths and Brooklyn House residents had worked hard the week before to create two lovely wreaths for the occasion. Residents Mavis and Edith painted the poppies, which were then laminated, cut out and finally glued in place. The wreaths were used to decorate the home before being laid at the Remembrance Sunday event – a job entrusted to Juliette and Sara, two young relatives of the Brooklyn Wellbeing team, who placed them beautifully on the memorial.
Wartime Stories Inspire Reminiscence for Residents
Although none of the residents at Brooklyn House had served in the war some had been with the armed forces later on, including resident Brian in the RAF, John who did his National Service in the Army and Mavis's son in law who is also ex RAF and joined the Brooklyn group for the parade wearing his medals. Some residents had memories from childhood during the war including Cyril, who lived in Great Ellingham, and tells wonderful stories about American air crew based nearby at Deopham. The airmen used to pick up the children in a truck for parties and gave them lots of goodies such as comics, gum and tins of fruit – great fun and a real treat for children used to food rationing.
Back at Brooklyn House after the parade, resident Brian reflected, “It was lovely to take part”. After a welcome round of tea and coffee, a delicious Sunday roast was well received by residents who’d been out in Attleborough and many memories were shared, as they often are on what is always a very special day for everyone connected by events from the past.
Brooklyn House Nursing Home is a modern, purpose-built care home in Norfolk, situated in the heart of the attractive market town of Attleborough, offering the highest levels of residential and nursing care for up to 38 elderly people. With all the amenities of a modern home, you’ll find first-class facilities, a range of activities, and plenty of places to relax or entertain. Residents can explore the shops, coffee houses and bistros around Queen’s Square and Exchange Street and when the weather is fine our secluded terrace and enclosed gardens offer a tranquil retreat.